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Обратился ко мне по емейлу якобы владелец одного сайтеца, просит удалить ссылки с архива на alicorn.tk

Hi there,

I’m working on cleaning the website adaptavist . com, and I need your help in removing some links from your site. Your site is probably perfectly legitimate, but I’m just trying to eliminate as many links as possible.

I’m asking this because it’s come to our attention that some of the links to our website have been acquired against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, so it’s important for us to remove links that are harming traffic to our website. Furthermore, by linking to our site, it could be detrimental to your site’s overall traffic, so it will be important for you to remove the link.

Here are some examples:

Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?msgid=Q0BNaz1cAGk9A8nrcDfK
Link text: ... (убрано мной, чтобы снова их скрипт не сработал)
Page on our site: ...

Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?msgid=Q0BNaz1cAGk9A8nrcDfK
Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?msgid=Q0BNaz1cAGk9A8nrcDfK&reply

Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?msgid=Q0BNaz1cAGk9A8nrcDfK&reply
Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?echo=habra.15&page=1

Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?echo=habra.15&page=1

Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?echo=habra.15&page=88

Page on your site: https://alicorn.tk/ii-old/?echo=habra.15&page=88

The link(s) need to be actually removed, rather than just disavowed. Even if they are “nofollow,” I’d still like them to be removed.

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you could email me once you have removed the link that would be great.

Thanks in advance! I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Adaptavist Webmaster

Мой ответ этим товарищам был вот такой:

These links which were mentioned by you, are actually from annotations of archived posts of the Habrahabr website

The traffic which comes to your website, is primarily caused by this habrahabr post: https://habr.com/ru/company/billing/blog/271805/ (for example)

We can try to get rid of those links, but it's just an archive of short abstracts from the "real" articles. So, I just wanted to make it clear why are you worried about them and if you contacted the author of the original habrahabr article

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